
A player’s army coincides with the numbers of brawlers the player owns. The larger amount of Brawler’s owned, the larger the player’s commander’s army is in total.

A player, when commanding their army, must choose what tasks / missions to send their army to. When undertaking a Player vs Player (PvP) battle, all their brawler’s fight at once, a player cannot partake in any other mission(s) until that battle is over - so a player must choose wisely where to put their resources.

As mentioned previously, a player’s army size coincides with the number of brawlers they own. Therefore, if a player wants to increase their army size they need to have more brawlers. Furthermore, if a player has rarer brawlers, their army’s base stats are much stronger than having lower rarity brawlers.

We strongly believe in fair gameplay, and therefore we have in place very heavy balancement measures when it comes to a player’s army size and who they are matchmaking against.

Army Stats

As mentioned within the ‘Items & Black Market’ subsection of the whitepaper, stats are a very important part when progressing through Kingdoms. A player’s army’s strength is highly governed by their stats. A player can increase their army’s stats through the following ways:

  • Obtain items.

  • Upgrade & progress through commander buildings.

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